Thanks for coming to Buenos Aires!
It has been a real pleasure.

To qualify for reimbursement, you will need to provide a travel expense report that itemizes costs, provide relevant supporting documentation, and indicate other support that you have received. You must include scans of all receipts including boarding passes! It will also be necessary to submit a brief report indicating the value you derived from participating in the conference.
Following bank details are required for the bank transfer
(IMPORTANT NOTE: IJCAI does not issue checks):
Name(s) on Receiving Bank Account:
Address of Account Holder at Receiving Bank:
Receiving Bank Routing Number(ABA or SWIFT/BIC code):
IBAN Code (if applicable):
Receiving Bank Address:
Account Number at Receiving Bank:
Reimbursement requests will be accepted via e-mail ( from **August 15-25, 2015**. Payments will be made from **September 10-25, 2015.**

The Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth International
Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence are now available!
South America has never before hosted an IJCAI conference, and Buenos Aires is surely an ideal choice for this landmark event. A key cultural centre in South America, the City of Buenos Aires is also one of the most important and dynamic business and intellectual centres of the region. Buenos Aires has incredible food and wine, innovative and exciting young designers, and a thriving cultural scene. This zest for life makes Buenos Aires one of Latin America's essential destinations. IJCAI-15 will take place in the Sheraton Hotel and Convention Center close to the downtown area of Buenos Aires. Attendees will find an outstanding modern conference venue, close to many restaurants, with a vibrant street life. Sheraton also provides special rates for the IJCAI Conference.
IJCAI-15 is sponsored by the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) in partnership with the Argentinean Association of Artificial Intelligence (AAIA-SADIO division) and co-sponsored by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation, the Department of Computer Science at the School of Exact and Natural Sciences of Buenos Aires University and the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Universidad Nacional del Sur.
Sponsors - Platinum
Sponsors -Silver
Sponsors -Bronze
Sponsor of AI&The Arts Track:
Sponsor of the Machine Learning Track
Official Transport: